Jiarong Xing

Postdoctoral Scholar
Sky Computing Lab
UC Berkeley, EECS

E-mail: jxing at rice dot edu
[Google scholar]

About Me

I am a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Sky Computing Lab at UC Berkeley EECS. I work under the guidance of Prof. Ion Stoica. Prior to this, I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rice University, where I was fortunate to work with Prof. Ang Chen.

My research is in the general area of computer systems including machine learning systems, networked systems, and their security challenges.

I am a recipient of Google Ph.D. Fellowship (2022) and a finalist for Meta Ph.D. Research Fellowship (2022).

I will be joining the CS Department at Rice University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Fall 2025. I am seeking self-motivated PhD students in the directions of LLM systems, disaggregated systems, networked systems, and system security. If you're interested, please feel free to reach out via email ['jxing AT rice.edu'].


[Full papers]     [Workshop papers]     [All papers]
  • BlendServe: Optimizing Offline Inference for Auto-regressive Large Models with Resource-aware Batching
    Yilong Zhao, Shuo Yang, Kan Zhu, Lianmin Zheng, Baris Kasikci, Yang Zhou, Jiarong Xing, Ion Stoica
    [arxiv.org 2024]

  • Disaggregating Embedding Recommendation Systems with FlexEMR
    Yibo Huang, Zhenning Yang, Jiarong Xing, Yi Dai, Yiming Qiu, Dingming Wu, Fan Lai, Ang Chen
    [arxiv.org 2024]

  • On the Criticality of Integrity Protection in 5G Fronthaul Networks
    Jiarong Xing*, Sophia Yoo*, Xenofon Foukas, Daehyeok Kim, and Michael Reiter
    [USENIX Security 2024] [pdf] [slides]

  • Simplifying Cloud Management with Cloudless Computing
    Yiming Qiu, Patrick Tser Jern Kon, Jiarong Xing, Yibo Huang, Hongyi Liu, Xinyu Wang, Peng Huang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, and Ang Chen
    [HotNets 2023] [pdf]

  • Occam: A Programming System for Reliable Network Management
    Jiarong Xing*, Kuo-Feng Hsu*, Yiting Xia, Yan Cai, Yanping Li, Ying Zhang, and Ang Chen
    [EuroSys 2024] [pdf] [code] [slides]

  • Unleashing SmartNIC Packet Processing Performance in P4
    Jiarong Xing, Yiming Qiu, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Songyuan Sui, Khalid Manaa, Omer Shabtai, Yonatan Piasetzky, Matty Kadosh,
    Arvind Krishnamurthy, T. S. Eugene Ng, and Ang Chen
    [SIGCOMM 2023] [pdf] [code] [slides]
    Featured by Nvidia at HotChips 2023

  • Enabling Resilience in Virtualized RANs with Atlas
    Jiarong Xing*, Junzhi Gong*, Xenofon Foukas, Anuj Kalia, Daehyeok Kim, and Manikanta Kotaru
    [MobiCom 2023] [pdf] [slides]

  • Remote Direct Memory Introspection
    Hongyi Liu, Jiarong Xing, Yibo Huang, Danyang Zhuo, Srinivas Devadas, and Ang Chen
    [USENIX Security 2023] [pdf] [slides] [code]
    Distinguished paper awarded

  • Runtime Programmable Switches
    Jiarong Xing, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Matty Kadosh, Alan Lo, Yonatan Piasetzky, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Ang Chen
    [NSDI 2022] [pdf] [slides] [code] [poster] [HotChip'23 slides]

  • Bedrock: Programmable Network Support for Secure RDMA Systems
    Jiarong Xing*, Kuo-Feng Hsu*, Yiming Qiu, Ziyang Yang, Hongyi Liu, and Ang Chen
    [USENIX Security 2022] [pdf] [slides] [code]

  • Bolt: Bridging the Gap between Auto-tuners and Hardware-native Performance
    Jiarong Xing*, Leyuan Wang*, Shang Zhang, Jack Chen, Ang Chen, and Yibo Zhu
    [MLSys 2022] [pdf] [slides] [code]
    Used by Bytedance

  • Symbolic Distillation for Learned TCP Congestion Control
    S P Sharan, Wenqing Zheng, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Jiarong Xing, Ang Chen, Zhangyang Wang
    [NeurIPS 2022] [pdf] [code]

  • A Vision for Runtime Programmable Networks
    Jiarong Xing, Yiming Qiu, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Hongyi Liu, Matty Kadosh, Alan Lo, Aditya Akella, Thomas Anderson,
    Arvind Krishnamurthy, T. S. Eugene Ng and Ang Chen
    [HotNets 2021] [pdf] [video]

  • Automated SmartNIC Offloading Insights for Network Functions
    Yiming Qiu, Jiarong Xing, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Qiao Kang, Ming Liu, Srinivas Narayana, and Ang Chen
    [SOSP 2021] [pdf] [code]

  • Probabilistic Profiling of Stateful Data Planes for Adversarial Testing
    Qiao Kang*, Jiarong Xing*, Yiming Qiu, and Ang Chen
    [ASPLOS 2021] [pdf] [slides] [code]

  • Ripple: A Programmable, Decentralized Link-Flooding Defense Against Adaptive Adversaries
    Jiarong Xing, Wenqing Wu, and Ang Chen
    [USENIX Security 2021] [pdf] [slides] [code]

  • Secure State Migration in the Data Plane
    Jiarong Xing, Ang Chen, and T.S. Eugene Ng
    [SIGCOMM SPIN Workshop 2020] [pdf] [slides] [code]

  • A Feasibility Study on Time-aware Monitoring with Commodity Switches
    Yiming Qiu, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Jiarong Xing, and Ang Chen
    [SIGCOMM SPIN Workshop 2020] [pdf]

  • NetWarden: Mitigating Network Covert Channels while Preserving Performance
    Jiarong Xing, Qiao Kang, and Ang Chen
    [USENIX Security 2020] [pdf] [slides] [code]

  • Architecting Programmable Data Plane Defenses into the Network with FastFlex
    Jiarong Xing, Wenqing Wu, and Ang Chen
    [HotNets 2019] [pdf] [slides]

  • Automated Attack Discovery in Data Plane Systems
    Qiao Kang, Jiarong Xing, and Ang Chen
    [USENIX CSET Workshop 2019] [pdf] [slides]

  • NetWarden: Mitigating Network Covert Channels without Performance Loss
    Jiarong Xing, Adam Morrison, and Ang Chen
    [USENIX HotCloud Workshop 2019] [pdf] [slides]

Awards & Honors


Conference committee
Journal reviewer
Conference web chair